Tag: cardiac surgery

July 2023 Webinar: Jehovah’s Witness Patients Undergoing Complex Cardiac Surgery

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK1y-FCmLSg Join us in discussing the principles and procedures of the bloodless protocol for patients who decline blood transfusion. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe the principles and procedures of the bloodless protocol for patients who decline blood transfusion....

Neurocognitive Dysfunction after Aortic Surgery

Neurocognitive Dysfunction after Aortic Surgery

We welcome you to join Michael S Firstenberg, MD, FACC, FAIM, a board-certified thoracic surgeon at The Medical Center of Aurora, who will discuss why neurocognitive complications after aortic surgery continue to be a challenging problem…

“Update to STS/SCA/AmSECT/SABM Blood Management Guidelines for Cardiac Surgery”

Blood Mgmt Guidelines

We welcome you to join fellow perfusionists to hear from David Mazer, M.D, Professor in the Departments of Anesthesia and Physiology at the University of Toronto. The presentation will review evidence-based multidisciplinary and multimodal approaches to…

“Cardiac Surgery during the Era of COVID 19”

Cardiac Surgery during the Era of COVID-19

We welcome you to join your fellow perfusionists to hear from Luc Puis, ECCP, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium. The presentation will review what data is available to determine what the impact is of putting patients with…