Tag: webinar

Modified Ultrafiltration: Pro Con Debate

Modified Ultrafiltration: Pro Con Debate

We welcome you to join fellow perfusionists to hear from Chelsea Capone, MS, CCP, and Alexandra Hank, MS, CCP, who present the pros and cons of modified ultrafiltration (MUF) usage in a debate format. They use…

The Rewards and Challenges of Being a Per Diem Perfusionist

Rewards and Challenges of Being a Per Diem Perfusionist

We welcome you to join fellow perfusionists to hear from Timothy Buzzelli, BS, CCP, and Shannon Barletti, CCP, who share their experiences as per diem and travel perfusionists. The webinar discusses work/life balance, financial impacts, and…

Oxygen Delivery as a Key Quality Indicator for Adequate Perfusion

Oxygen Delivery as a Key Quality Indicator

SpecialtyCare hosts an educational one-hour webinar. We welcome you to join fellow perfusionists to hear from David Fitzgerald, MPH, DHA, CCP, Division Director of the CVP Program at Medical University of South Carolina. The webinar is…

“ECMO in COVID-19 Patients” Webinar

ECMO in COVID-19 Patients

SpecialtyCare hosted an educational one-hour webinar. We welcome you to join fellow perfusionists to hear from Irfan Khan, MD, Medical Director of PICU at Presbyterian Healthcare Services. The webinar explains the need for ECMO in COVID-19…

“From CardioVention to Comics”

From CardioVention to Comics

We welcome you to join fellow perfusionists to hear from Hans Seiler, RN, ECCP, consultant on mini-bypass applications in hospitals in Canada, South Africa, the Middle East, India and Western Europe. The presentation will review the…

Stories from the Heart of Africa

Stories from the Heart of Africa

We welcome you to join fellow perfusionists to hear from Bob Groom, MS, CCP, FPP, who is now working to improve cardiovascular perfusion service at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya after nearly forty years as a perfusionist…

“FDA Regulation of Medical Devices – Abridged and Simplified”

We welcome you to join fellow perfusionists to hear from Catherine Wentz, M.S., from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. The regulatory process for approving medical devices and reporting adverse events for marketed medical devices remains…

Perfusion Interview Training

Learn how to identify ways to adequately prepare for a perfusion interview. Feel confident and prepared for both an in-person and virtual interview. With some of our perfusion leaders, you can anticipate and consider answers to…

“To Transfuse or Not To Transfuse: Tales of the Trials”

To transfuse or not to transfuse

We welcome you to join your fellow SpecialtyCare perfusionists as we review various blood conservation strategies to offset the need for transfusions and transfusion triggers. The webinar is hosted by Al Stammers, and the literature review…

“AAMI Standards, IFUs, and Clinical Testing of Oxygenators”

AAMI Standards, IFUs, and Clinical Testing of Oxygenators

We welcome you to join your fellow perfusionists to discuss the anatomy of the statistical debate on p-values and implications for practicing perfusionists.